30 Day Book Challenge: Day 22 – Favorite Villain from a Book

The thing about evil is that it doesn’t always come in a large box labeled: EVIL. A person who is evil doesn’t always look like a devil or constantly do things that are clearly wrong. No, the thing about evil is that it has a way of disguising itself. It can be cloaked with good intentions, smiles, and pink.

I think Delores Umbridge from Harry Potter is an awesome villain because she’s not a Voldemort- type evil. She operates under the guise of trying to improve Hogwarts. She smiles and likes kittens and pink. This is what we have to watch out for people! Satan didn’t stroll into the Garden of Evil forcing people to sin. He disguised himself and persuaded Eve by making her believe she was doing the right thing.

Also, as a future teacher, I find Umbridge even more deplorable because she represents everything that is awful about the American education system. She’s a government employee appointed to come into the school and standardize things. She wants to turn it into a learning factory. She doesn’t care about the welfare of students. She micromanages the teachers, inhibiting their ability to do their jobs. She implements tons of rules and takes away the magic (haha) from the classroom while denying the students true learning opportunities or the chance to discuss real- world issues (like VOLDEMORT!).



The only good thing about Umbridge, is that she inspired this character in A Very Potter Sequel

30 Day Book Challenge: Day 3- My Favorite Series

This might seem like an obvious choice. I’ve read many great series, but none of them compare to my Holy Grail of a book series.

Harry freaking Potter, written by the ever brilliant and tricky J.K. Rowling. Rowling instilled in me a love of reading that no other books could ever have done. I grew up with the books. Made friends because of them. They altered my life for the better. Say what you want, but Harry Potter will always be the bomb dot com.

Harry Potter Covers